It is dedicated to my brother Roger who owns the same webcam as me.
1. To install the drivers you need first the linux headers. You install them typing on a terminal window (Applications -> Terminal on Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
2. You need to to get the modules for your webcam:
(If this results in an error, check the rastageeks ov51x-jpeg directory, maybe you have to download a newer version)
3. Then you extract the drivers:
tar -xvf ov51x-jpeg-1.5.9.tar.gz
4. And Change directory to where your sources are:
cd ov51x-jpeg-1.5.9
5. Prepare the installation files
6. Compile the modules:
sudo make install
7. And install them:
sudo depmod -A
sudo modprobe ov51x-jpeg
8. You should now be able to enjoy images from your webcam. To view if it worked you can download and install wxcam, plug-and-play your webcam and you should be able to see video your streaming with wxcam
9. Now, if you use Skype on your computer and you always see a black square, you can make your webcam working with Skype with the following code:
echo "options ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/options
Source: First | Second
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